
Gives you clear business metrics, both financial and non-financial.

Helps you understand the numbers and make high quality data-driven decisions.

Connects to your accounting and other systems.

Offers simple setup in just a few clicks.

SmartDash visualisations are:

  • simple
  • real-time
  • and forward-focussed

More about SmartDash

At Smart Dash, we create business dashboards that give owners and managers a clear, simple visualisation of key business metrics straight out of the box. Our solution has been developed by accountants and business owners that use dashboards every day to help our users understand their numbers and make good, data driven decisions.

Our approach places emphasis on providing Real-time and forward focussed financial and non- financial data to give business owners and managers the right information at the right time to drive high-quality decisions.

Unlike other solutions that require coding experience or a ‘do it yourself' approach to building, our dashboards are ready to use out of the box. Our dashboards are built by expert Business Intelligence developers, have drill-down capabilities and are filterable by simple mouse clicks.

Smartdash is built on Microsoft Power BI architecture, which has been recognised by Gartner as the industry leading Business Intelligence application on the market. By leveraging Microsoft’s continuing development of the Power BI platform, we are able to focus on building the best dashboards available to the SME market.

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